Spa Surface Problems

Surface discolouration:

Surface discolouration in spas usually indicates the presence of metals, or, for fibreglass spas, cobalt staining. Use of Stain & Scale Control will remove some fresh stains. If, however, the stains have been present for a long period of time, it may be necessary to drain the spa and perform a light acid wash. If the spa is fibreglass, cobalt staining can be temporarily faded by an application of oxalic or citric acid. Usually, the discolouration will reappear. This has to do with a problem within the fibreglass itself (permeation of the protective gel coat), and there is no way to prevent its return without resurfacing the fibreglass.

Scale build-up:

Scale can sometimes form on the spa surface, causing a gritty, sandpaper-like feel to the seats and walls. This is caused by poor water balance (high total alkalinity, pH and/or calcium hardness). To remove this, a light acid wash must be applied to the surface when the spa is drained. Check with the spa manufacturer to make sure this procedure is safe for the surface type.

To prevent scale build-up, use the recommended maintenance dose of Stain & Scale Control.

Scum at the waterline:

Spas often get an accumulation of scum and other oils around the waterline due to the number of bathers. The spa should be shocked often to avoid the accumulation of this waste. Once it occurs, however, it can be removed with a surface cleaner designed for use with spas. Off The Wall is an suitable choice. Alternatively, scum at the waterline can be prevented by applying a maintenance dose of Natural Chemistry Spa Perfect.