Off-Season Operation for Chlorinated Pools

In cooler weather when the pool is not in use, it may be preferable to leave the pool running. A small amount of maintenance will still be required, but much less frequently than during the warmer summer months.

  1. Perform a complete water analysis and balance according to ALEX recommendations. The cooler water temperature will require slightly different balancing parameters to prevent equipment corrosion and surface damage.
  2. Clear up all problems, such as algae growth, biofilm or cloudy water.
  3. Brush and vacuum the pool and clean the waterline with Off The Wall Surface Cleaner.
  4. Backwash and clean the filter with Filter Brite.
  5. Begin your off season maintenance routine:
  • Run the pump a minimum of 4 hours a day.
  • Maintain 1.5 – 3.0 ppm free chlorine residual and a pH range of 7.4 – 7.6 at all times.
  • Shock the pool with 1 bag of Lite per 50,000 litres or 1 bag of Burn Out Extreme per 50,000 litres or 1 bag of Burn Out 35 per 35,000 litres or 125 grams of Oxy-Clear Pool Shock per 10,000 litres monthly.
  • Prevent algae by adding 40 mL of Back-Up II Algae Inhibitor monthly.