Automatic Brominators

Troubleshooting BioLab Brominators – Common Questions and Answers

Brominator continues to feed even with outlet valve off

If an air vent line is installed, it is possible that brominated water is flowing through this line and into the return line. Close the inlet valve as well as the outlet to prevent this.

Little or no flow through brominator

Poor or no flow is probably due to an obstruction. Check the lint trap on the upper stand pipe and in the lines leading to and from the brominator. It is also possible that there is a lack of pressure differential. Check the installation manual for proper installation.

Broken Lexan Lids

This is usually due to overtightening or incorrect lubricant on the O-ring. When replacing the lid, it is important that the lip is clean to prevent leakage. Silicone lubricant should be used on the O-ring. Use of petroleum based products will deteriorate the O-ring. Excessive operating or surge pressure should also be avoided. The smaller brominators are rated for 35 psi. Exceeding this psi can cause cracking.

Installation Instructions

The best installation method is a pressure-pressure installation with the outlet side of the brominator tapped into the recirculation line downstream from the heater. If this does not provide sufficient flow, a venturi type system will provide more of a pressure change. Check with your local health department to make sure they allow the installation of a flow restriction device. Another option is pressure-suction. This is NOT recommended in systems with heaters due to increased risk of corrosion.